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We consistently promote leadership within our chapter, and this directly enhances our band program. Within our chapter we have eight sisters on our Executive Council: President, Vice President of Membership, Vice President of Service, Treasurer, Corresponding Secretary, Parliamentarian, Historian, and Secretary. In addition to these elected positions, we have five committees, each with a chair and a co-chair, and we have chairs for plumes, mending, music, and ritual. These positions allow younger sisters to get involved in chapter leadership to prepare them for elected positions in the future and for leadership beyond our organization in the band and in campus activities.


Along with an emphasis on leadership in our chapter, we emphasize sister involvement around our campus. We have previously had sisters serving as Drum Majors in our marching band. We also have had several sisters work as Section Leaders and Auxiliary Captains in our marching band, and we have sisters sitting as principal players in our concert ensembles. Around our campus, many of our sisters are building their leadership skills in other organizations, and we have sisters working as Freshman Orientation Advisors, sports team ambassadors, and leaders within professional organizations. We encourage sisters to pursue leadership and to reach their potential in all aspects of their collegiate life.


Finally, Lauren Harrison, one of our Active sisters, has been the Southeast District President for the past year and was recently re-elected for a second term. She is not the first Theta Lambda sister to serve on the district level. Belinda Baker, a Life member of the Theta Lambda chapter, was also the SED Vice President of Special Project and President during her time as an Active of Theta Lambda. 


To develop leadership through active participation with the band, and through it, to strengthen those traits of conduct, thought, and idealism which characterize the responsible membership of the band.
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